Let the Travel Begin

Friday, December 08, 2006

Well, I tried my luck at night photos again...this time they turned out pretty good...These are pictures of the houses on the street where our "former", "Stick-House" is ...

This first one is of a house right across the street...They even have the real Santa and Mrs. Santa on some evenings...

I just can't figure out how Mr. & Mrs. Santa have time to come buy at this time of the year...don't you think that they would be much too busy getting ready for the BIG NIGHT???

I know that we sure are...

This is our front yard...I'm gonna try to take some more I got the tree right in front of stuff.........

This is the other side of th yard of the house across the street...they spend weeks gettin this all set up!!!!!!!

This one is two houses down,on our side of the street...

our next door neighbor (between us and this one) has a great display that is set to music...but I was unable to catch the light s in an "ON", Possition so you'll just have to take my word for the fact that it is fantastic!!! Posted by Picasa


  • At 3:05 PM, Blogger Gordon Pierce said…


    Night shots of Christmas lights and other photos look real fine...it looks like you are really getting the "touch" now.

    I just installed a wireless router to our HughesNet satellite system so I can use my pc wherever in and around the rig. I have a secured network, but will certainly allow nearby "friends" access while on the road.

    Have a great evening in the CCV.

    Your friends just hangin' out in TX,

    Gordon and Juanita


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