Let the Travel Begin

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I have never seen as "Fisherking" bird before...It was quite a surprise. There were two of them and theynwerem calling back and forth to each other...I loved it...this was going on while we were eating. You know there is nothing like being able to go sit by the watet and eat lunch juat any time you want to...LIFE IS GOOD...
This is a guy on a jet ski...having a ball...he was the only one out there and he was really kickin' up the jet stream!!!

Before lunch we went to the "Sunday Market"...One of the things that we learned at the Escsapade in April was to try and attend the area "markets" not only to get good produce and good local foods...but to take pictures...

So I take advantage of both! We bought veggies...doggie treats made by a little young lady that had a 5mo. old Mini-Doxie...of course we had Halle with us so they got to meet...it was cute!
These firsrt two pictures are very typical of the native craftware...

I just love how the sun was shining pff of everything...it was really a great day to take pictures...
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