Let the Travel Begin

Sunday, September 24, 2006

We had lunch at one of our favorite haunts in Astoria today...it is callet "The Tide Point Inn"... they have "grubbin" food. Mike had this obnoxious meal that all the kids (boy types)love...I couldn't eat it if I wanted to...which I don't...It 's called a "Super Burger"...it has 2 patties, a fried egg, grilled onion, three different kimds of cheese, lots of lettuce, tomatoes, dill pickles and some kind of sweet taseting BBQ sauce on it. It is about 4" high...and served with a healthy serving of home/cut and home/fried french fries...He loved it...I had a bowl of clam chowder...it was just OK...I won't order chowder there any more...there are too many places up here that have great cowder!!!
This picture was taken from the Young's River Bridge as we were going over too Freddie's (Fred Meyer)...a big cargo boat...it was really far off but the picture came out really good! To the left on the point at the end of the tree-line...you can barely see Cape Disapointment Light House.
This is one of the views from the deck of the "Tide Point" where we had lunch.

The next picture is as well...The day was gloriously sunny and warm...I have never been here when it was like this...The evenings are crisp and cold...the mornings too...but it is warming up by 10:00AM and gloriously nice the rest of the day...about 70 to 75 degrees...the nights get down to about 49 or 50...My kind of weather!!! I really love the rainy weather too but this sunshiny weather is quite a treat for us and for everyone else...except for the hunters...it is too warm for them...Boo Hoo "not"!!!
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